Archive for Mei 2015
Asian - Africa Conference
A. Background of the Asian-African Conference
Before World War II, third world countries in the Asian and African continent generally is a colony. However, after the end of World War II in August 1945, the third world countries to rise and further improve their struggle to gain independence. These same things that cause the onset of conflict and upheaval in various places such as the conflict in Korea Peninsula, Viet Nam, Palestine, Yemen, mainland China, Africa and Indonesia.
The world's security condition is still not stable after the end of the second world war were aggravated by the emergence of the cold war between two mutually opposite blocks i.e. Block the West led by the United States, and the Eastern bloc led by the Soviet Union. The two great powers that opposed both ideologically as well as the interest continues to build modern weapons are vying for, so that the world situation at the time it is always covered by the anxiety of impending nuclear war.
These same conditions that encourage the countries that recently became independent to raise unity and find a way out for the sake of easing tensions and maintain world peace.
B. Preparation of the Asian-African Conference
Held prior to the Asian-African Conference (KAA) was held, was first carried out a preliminary meeting in Colombo (Srilanka) on 28 April 1954 until May 2, 1954. The meeting is known as the Colombo Conference. The result of this is the deal the Colombo Conference to organise a follow-up conference between the countries of the Asia-Africa. A subsequent meeting was held in Bogor (Indonesia) on December 28-December 31, 1954. In this meeting, discussed about preparation for KAA. Conference at the Bogor Conference is known as the Five Nations. The results of the Conference Five Countries include: the Asian-African Conference Held in Bandung in April 1955.
Sets the State of the Fifth Conference participants Five countries (the Bogor Conference) as the sponsor countries.
Set the number of Asian-African countries that will be invited.
Specify the destination points of the Asian African Conference.
The Conference was attended by the State's own PaƱca five pioneers, including:
- Indonesia, represented by the Prime Minister Mr. Ali Sastroamijoyo.
- India, represented by Prime Minister Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
- Pakistan, represented by Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Bogra.
- SRILANKA, represented by Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawa.
- Burma (now Myanmar), represented by Prime Minister U Nu.
C. The purpose of the Asian-African Conference
The purpose held among others: KAA interests of the Central Asian countries of Africa.
Enhance cooperation in the field of economic, social, and cultural.
The sovereignty of the State, imperialism, and racism issues.
The position of the countries of Asia and Africa in an effort to achieve world peace.
D. Implementation of the Asian-African Conference
The implementation of Asian-African Conference held in Bandung on 18-25 April 1955. The Conference was held in Gedung Merdeka which is now located on Jalan Asia Afrika Bandung. The Conference was officially opened by President Sukarno on April 18, 1955, was attended by 29 countries, and among them are 6 African countries.
![gedung merdeka, kaa](
"MERDEKA" building.
The 29 countries participants of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung include: Afghanistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Burma, Cambodia, Ceylon, Japan, Laos, Sudan, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Syria, the Philippines, Turkey, Ghana, Liberia, Libya, South Viet Nam, India, Thailand, North Viet Nam, Indonesia, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, and China.
The order of the Asian-African Conference are as follows: the Chairman of the Committee: Mr. Ali Sastroamijoyo Economic Committee Chairman: Prof. Ir. Rooseno Cultural Committee Chairman: Mr. Moh. Yamin General Secretary: Abdul Ghani Roeslan various issues covered in the Conference include: Efforts to increase cooperation in the field of economic, social, cultural, and human rights.
Right of self-determination.
Racism (the difference in skin colour).
International cooperation. Issue of disarmament.
People's problems are still colonized in North Africa. West Irian Issue.
E. Results of the Asian-African Conference
Asian African Conference Results the most important is an occurrence has been the cooperation between Asian and African countries. In addition, the meeting also formulated the KAA has succeeded the ten principles listed in the ten principles of Bandung. In Bandung, reflected an appreciation of human rights, the sovereignty of all Nations, and world peace. And here's the contents of the ten principle of Bandung.
- Bandung respect human rights in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.
- Respect for the sovereignty of each nation's territory.
- Recognizes the equality of all races and equality of all Nations, both large and small.
- Do not intervene in problems in other countries.
- Respect the right of each nation to defend itself on its own or collectively.
- Does the pressure on other countries.
- Do not do aggression against other countries.
- Resolve a problem with the way of peace.
- Promoting cooperation in the field of economic, social, and cultural.
- Respect the law and international obligations.